Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Forrest walk story


This is the story about me and my dads walk we did today. I found this easy because all I had to do was write about what I did. My favourite part about the walk is when me and dad found the little bird. 


  1. It sounds like you had an awesome outing with your Dad. You are so lucky to have a forest you can walk in during a lockdown. I am lucky because I have the beach outside my house and we come across a lot of birds too. We have herons, canadian geese, pukeko and seagulls. I think the birds are getting braver every week of lockdown and we see more of them every day.
    Enjoy moving down to Level 3.

    Mrs Burt

  2. Hi Sami,

    It looks like everything is going well in your bubble?

    Wasn't today such a nice day to get out in nature and enjoy a walk? Bet because it was so warm you didn't mind a bit of mud or wet?

    It's nice to make the most of these times outside with family during the sunny weather. Even though it may not feel like "learning from home" it still is, and if you are doing other work too it's good to get a break outside.

    Keep posting to your blog during home learning Sami, we love seeing what you are up to 🌟🏆🥰

    Tracey - TA

  3. Kia ora Sami
    I loved reading about your forest walk. I used to enjoy forest walks with my dad when I was young too because he could name the plants and birds and even recognise the bird sounds! Did you know what kind of bird you found?
    I like the way you have written about your feelings and included lots of details and interesting photos. Writing about your own experiences is an ideal way to improve writing skills so keep it up!


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.