Thursday, July 25, 2019

goal getters

WALT making goal getters 

this week we made goal getters I made one that says to get gold most weeks and I have 2 more then I have made gold .

what did I found hard  was thinking of what to write.

I found easy was colouring in the goal getters.

I like this because now I know I have to get gold.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

show not tell

WALT: show not tell 

her lips are moving 

 her hands are ready to cry  

her eyes are look both ways

her hands are moving so fast 

Image result for cartoon girl sad                                   her stomach has got butterflies   

                                                 her feet are like a statue.

What I found hard was was thinking of what one to do on eyes

I  found easy was putting the photo on this 
what Emoems am I am sad.

I like this because it was fun witting in all of this                      


matakiki work

WALT Matariki bingo
 I found researching the seven sister's hard.

I found it  easy was making making the slide and writing down the facts.

I Like doing this because now I no all of the stars names and what is mataiki.